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Domestic export factoring without recourse

  • Flexible and profitable financing according to the company's needs;
  • Insurance against the risk of non-payment for domestic and foreign debtors;
  • Professional management of the receivables based on specialised IT solutions; periodical reports informing the company on the receivables managed through factoring
  • Building the company's partners’ loyalty by granting them longer payment terms.


Domestic export factoring without recourse is the ideal solution for your business...

For commercial contracts or firm orders with term payment, the object of which is the sale of goods or delivery of services, the factoring facility provides optional financing, management of receivables, follow-up of receipts and protection against the risk of non-payment for domestic and foreign debtors.

How does the domestic and export factoring without recourse work?
  • The supplier delivers the goods or services and sends the invoices to the buyer(debtor);
  • The supplier assigns the invoices in favor of BRD;
  • BRD finances the supplier for part of the value of the invoices, follows up the receipt and covers the risk of non-payment for the unquestionable claims;
  • On the due date, the debtor makes the payment in the BRD account and BRD pays to the supplier the remaining, unfinanced part of the invoice.  
  • In case of payment delay, BRD starts the collection procedure.

How much does it cost?
To set the costs of the operation, information is required regarding the commercial declarations for which factoring operations are requested. The cost of the operation is influenced by the number of commercial relations, the number of invoices, the quality of the proposed debtors, the turnover to be carried out by factoring and, last but not least, the type of operation.

For a customised offer, contact the Factoring Division at the email address, or the client consultant.


What are the conditions to access this product?

  • The commercial relation must be based on a commercial contract / firm order, signed and stamped, and must contain the identification data of the partners, payment terms, delivery conditions, etc.
  • Agreed payment terms of less than 180 days;
  • The commercial contract must not forbid the parties to assign the contract;
  • The commercial relations with shareholding connections and the contracts that stipulate payments conditioned by other receipts cannot be subject to factoring operations.

What does it mean to take over the risk of non-payment?
BRD takes over the risk of non-payment for the debtors for the cases of prolonged non-payment, insolvency, bankruptcy. The debt claims subject to commercial disputes are not covered against the risk of non-payment.