APIA subsidies

Support granted in advance for your business until you receive the subsidy from APIA.

APIA subsidies

APIA subsidies

Simplified flow


Interest rate

can be paid when collecting the subsidy



  • Beneficiaries: farmers working the land and / were holding livestock
  • Funded by up to 90% of the subsidies to be received
  • Currency: LEI
  • During subsidy payment is made at the leu / euro communicated by the European Central Bank
  • Interest: ROBOR 6M + 2%
  • Fees: maximum 1%
  • Deadline for payment of grants: June 30, 2020
  • Warranties: FGCR *: maximum 80% of the loan amount
  • Forms of support funded, without limitation:
a) Scheme area support
- Payment redistributive,
- Payment for greening
b) Compensatory measures for rural development
- Measure 214 Agri-Environment-flat,
- Measure 10 - Agro-environmental and climate
- Measure 11 - Organic farming
- Measure 13 - Payments to areas facing natural constraints or other specific constraints.
c) Transitional national aids in the livestock sector (ANT ZOO) for owners of cattle, sheep, goats)
d) Measure 215 PNDR - Animal welfare payments (for holders of poultry and swine)


- Customer demand for payment filed by the APIA
- Certificate issued by APIA