Discounts for complete electronic signing solutions for documents

BRD and Namirial Romania are inviting you* on a digital transformation journey, offering complete solutions aimed at issuing certificates for qualified electronic signatures, recognized at European level, as well as access to a platform that allows management of documents sharing and signing (eSignAnyWhere):

Certificates can be issued by token or remote, and regardless of the choice, you can use them both, inside your own company and in relation to any third parties, at the highest security standards:

  • token signature facilitates the signing of documents with public authorities (ANAF, ITM);
  • remote signature (in cloud) is used online, to sign documents anywhere and anytime, except those related to ANAF, ITM;
  • the issuance will take place as simply and quickly as possible, 100% online, on the website ( and, there you can select the desired certificate type and configure the validity period, 1 year or 3 years.

eSignAnyWhere platform has a friendly web interface and allows simple and efficient management of signing flows involving several users at the same time, facilitating collaboration both within the team and with other companies:

  • you can opt for Basic, Premium or Corporate subscriptions, but before making a decision, it is good to know that you benefit of a free trial period of 30 calendar days; later, you will be able to choose the right version online, directly from

The special benefits we offer you as a BRD partner are discounts compared to the standard price:

  • up to -27% for issuing qualified electronic signature certificates;
  • -30% when purchasing the first eSignAnyWhere annual subscription for the management of a minimum of 1,000 documents.

If you are looking for solutions to increase efficiency (simplification, decrease the carbon footprint) and reduce the time allocated to signing documents, please contact your BRD Relationship Manager for more details.

*the offer is addressed to SME legal entities with TO (annual) 1-50M euro