Cash management

All your transactions at a fixed cost!

SMART IMM PACKEGE includes a various range of benefits:


in terms of expenses with bank commissions


on the costs of the banking products and services used

Package customization

by choosing extra options according to your needs

What is in the SMART IMM package and how much it costs?

With SMART IMM you have access to everything you need to make payments quickly at a fixed cost.

Acquire the basic package at 24 RON/ month and you will have:

• 2 current accounts in RON
• 2 current account in foreign currency ( EUR and/or USD)
• 1 business card (issuing and management fee)
• BRD@ffice (management fee)

• Any incomings in RON or foreign currency, including checks and electronic promissory notes
• Any intra-banking payment in RON from current accounts included in the package, through BRD@ffice and MyBRD Mobile
• Any intra-banking payment in RON through checks and promissory notes from current accounts included in the package
• Any intra-banking payment in foreign currency through BRD@ffice
• Any cash deposits in RON at ROBO and MBA done by the customer’s representative through the current accounts included in the package
• Any cash withdrawals at ATM BRD, BORBO and MBA, performed with the debit card included in the package

• MyBRD Mobile
• Accept CARD (monthly rent for 1 POS for transactions in a total amount of over 3000 RON)

Note: The rates and discounts relate exclusively to the fees and commissions charged by Bank. The package does not include: SENT/ReGIS fees for inter-banking credit transfers; remittance for collection fees of Checks and Promissory Notes, Urgency fee; fees of the correspondent banks. For products and services not included in the package, we apply standard fees and commissions, according to the list of applicable fees and commissions, which you can consult HERE.


You can customize your base package with the following EXTRAOPTIONS

-0 inter-banking payments (BRD –other banks) non-urgent in RON through BRD@ffice: 8 RON/month

- Any inter-banking payment (BRD- other banks, National Treasury) through BRD@ffice: 88 RON/month

- Any remittance for collection of electronic Promissory Notes and Checks in RON: 38 RON/month

- Any electronic, non- urgent payment in EUR towards any bank from SEPA **: 88 RON/month

- Any electronic , non-urgent , payment in foreign currency , other than RON , towards any bank outside SEPA **: 138 RON/month

Any payment in RON though electronic Promissory Notes and Checks: 158 RON/month

** The list of countries included in SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area ) may be found at

Note:. The rates and discounts relate exclusively to the fees and commissions charged by Bank. The package does not includ : SENT/ReGIS fees for inter-banking credit transfers; Urgency fee; fees of the correspondent banks. For products and services not included in the package, we apply standard fees and commissions, according to the list of applicable fees and commissions, which you can consult HERE.