Corporate Governance

The corporate governance of BRD-Groupe Société Générale S.A. (“BRD” or the “Bank”) is the set of principles on which relies the administration framework through which the bank is managed and controlled. Transposed into internal normative documents, these principles enable the efficiency and efficacy of the control mechanisms adopted in order to protect and harmonize the interests of all the categories of participants in the bank’s activity – shareholders, directors, executive officers, managers of the various company structures, employees and the organizations representing their interests, clients and business partners, central and local authorities, etc.

The Corporate Governance Code of BRD-Groupe Société Générale (hereinafter the “Code”) mainly presents the main work methods, roles and responsibilities of the management and supervision structures of the bank, as well as of the important committees created to support these structures in performing their responsibilities.

The provisions of the Code are in line with the national legislation and the regulatory framework specific to credit institutions, established by the National Bank of Romania (NBR), with the corporate governance principles issued by the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) for the listed companies, as well as with the best practices in the field, developed by the Société Générale Group. BRD-Groupe Société Générale has adopted the unitary system of administration in full harmony with the objectives of good corporate governance, of the transparency of relevant corporate information, of the protection of the interests of the various categories of participants and of an efficient operation on the banking market.

Corporate Governance Code
