Frequent questions

Please contact our broker, BRD Securities, or another brokerage company, in order to buy or perform other operations on the stock exchange market.

For online information regarding the value of the BRD share, please visit the Bucharest Stock Exchange website:

You can find the quarterly results of BRD on the Publications page or from the Financial agenda.

The dividend value approved by the General Assembly of the Shareholders on 26 of April 2012 is 0,16690 RON /share.

According to the General Shareholders of 26.04.2012, dividend payment for 2011 is as follows:

- Shareholders current accounts opened at BRD (including the attached card accounts) automatically receive dividends in the current account respectively;

- Shareholders who have previously indicated an account at another commercial bank account designated receiving dividends;

- Shareholders who have indicated an account for payment of dividends must BRD units appear to require payment in cash or by bank transfer.

Change of identification of shareholders is made by the Central Depository institution providing obvious shareholders register BRD. For details on the required formalities, please contact the Central Depository to the contacts listed below:


Contact Details Central Depository

Headquarters: Boulevard Carol I No. 34 to 36, 3.8 and 9 floors, 2nd district, postal code 020922, Bucharest

General information Phone: (021) 408.58.00


According to BRD policy this takes the form of a fixed monthly allowance approved by the General Meeting of the Shareholders as part of a general envelope for executive officers and non-executive directors.
The non-executive members of the Board of Directors are not entitled to a variable compensation. They only receive a gross monthly amount of 1,500 Euros equivalent in local currency.
As for the independent members of the Board of Directors an additional gross monthly allowance of 1,500 Euros equivalent in local currency is granted, according to criteria like participation to the Committees set up to support the Board of Directors, constructive involvement in discussions and decisions etc.

The fees paid to Ernst & Young for the financial year 2015 are of 1,315,640 RON (VAT included). Please note these fees refer to Bank only statutory audit.