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Seasonal loan

A loan that may be repaid in line with the specificity of your business.

  • Flexible repayment, adjusted to the company receipts
  • Credit amount set according to the needs and repayment capacity of your company
  • Personalised guarantees, which may include stocks, but amounting to no more than 50% of the financed amount.


The seasonal loan is the ideal solution for your business if...
the seasonal activity of your company determines a working capital requirement for a given time period.

What is the seasonal loan?

This loan is meant for seasonal activities.
The loan can fund the purchase of stocks, the production expenses, as well as other seasonal activities, such as tourism, agriculture, etc.
How does the seasonal loan operate?
The loan is granted for maximum 12 months and the payment of the principal is correlated to the receipts / sale of the credited stocks, a grace period of up to 11 months being possible for the payment of the principal.
What are the required guarantees?
The guarantee structure is flexible, including a mortgage on the credited stocks, guarantees issued by the guarantee funds FNGCIMM, Eximbank, FGCR), etc.

What activities are considered seasonal by the bank?

The main seasonal activities are: tourism, products with a long production cycle, trade with products that can only be sold during certain seasons, etc.
Can the loan be renewed after 12 months?
Yes, if the eligibility criteria imposed by the bank are met and only for a new business cycle, after the closing of the initial loan.