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Asseco SEE and BRD Groupe Societe Generale, awarded during eFinance GALA, 2015

10 Feb 2015

During the 12th edition of the e-Finance Awards Gala, Asseco SEE and BRD Groupe Societe Generale were awarded in the e-partnership category, for launching in 2014, the first cashless project, which provides McDonald's customers in Romania unassisted paying, using any type of card.

The development of the winning project started from the idea of diversification and optimization of payment methods inside McDonald's restaurants. At the end of 2014, there were already installed more than 430 terminals where McDonald's customers could use bank cards regardless of their technology: magnetic, with chip or contactless. Using this method of payment, customer cards no longer reach the cashier hand, the client inserting it alone into the terminal, thus respecting the PCI DSS rules (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). In this way the transaction is safe, error-free and without any intervention from the cashier.

"The award honors us all the more since we share the podium with one of the largest banks in Romania, BRD Groupe Societe Generale. The project, in addition to integrating the terminals with the cash register and gain the trading in a very short time for McDonald's customers, implies also integration of a terminals management solution inside the bank, developed by Asseco SEE and the development and implementation of a RKL solution (Remote Key Loading), which allows remote loading of encryption keys", said Carmen Petre, Payment Business Unit Sales Manager at Asseco SEE.  

“The conception and implementation of this solution confirms that BRD remains at the forefront of innovation on the Romanian cards payments market. We take this opportunity to thank McDonald’s for its openness and also Asseco, for the excellent cooperation in the framework of this project”, said Emmanuel Rit, Head of the BRD IT Systems Department.

The e-Finance Awards Gala is an annual event which offer recognition to companies, institutions and last but not least people who have demonstrated active involvement and measurable results in the areas of ICT and banking financial, during the previous year.

About Asseco SEE
Asseco SEE group is one of the largest IT companies in the area of production and implementation of its own software solutions and services in the region of South Eastern Europe (Serbia, Croatia, Romania , Macedonia, Montenegro , Slovenia, Bulgaria , Moldova , Kosovo, Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Turkey. The Company provides ICT solutions for various industry verticals including the financial sector, payment sector, public administration and telecoms. Since October 2009, the shares of Asseco South Eastern Europe (Asseco SEE) have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Asseco SEE Group employs almost 1,400 people in 13 countries.

About BRD Groupe Societe Generale
BRD-Groupe Société Générale is the second bank in Romania in terms of assets and the no. 1 bank in the Romanian syndicated loans market. BRD - Groupe Société Générale has around 2.2 million customers and operates a network of approximately 870 branches. With approx  2.3 million valid cards and a network acceptance over 24,000 POS, and 1,500 ATMs, BRD is no. 1 on the Romanian card market. With factoring operations of EUR 918 million in 2013, BRD is the leader of the Romanian factoring market.

BRD is part of Société Générale Group, one of the largest European financial services groups. The group has 148,000 employees in 76 countries and 32 million customers worldwide in its three key activities:

•    Retail banking in France
•    International retail banking, financial services and insurance
•    Corporate & Investment banking, private banking, asset management and investor services; facebook;


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