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BRD Groupe Société Générale, 15 Years Of Firsts On The Romanian Market

07 May 2014

This year, BRD celebrates 15 years since the completion of the privatization process through which Societe Generale became the majority shareholder of the bank. The history of BRD Groupe Société Générale begins in 1923, when, at the initiative of the Romanian State and with the participation of the National Bank of Romania, the National Industrial Credit Society (SNCI) was founded.
Nationalized in 1948, SNCI is renamed “The Investment Credit Bank”. In 1958, the bank obtains the monopoly on the medium and long term financing of the Romanian industry, becoming the "Investment Bank". Through this, the institution becomes the main vehicle for the investments made by the State in the economy and channels most of the funding granted to Romania by international financial institutions. In 1990, the Investment Bank obtains the universal banking license and changes its name into the Romanian Bank for Development (BRD).
Following a process of privatization, in 1999, Société Générale becomes the majority shareholder of BRD.
During the 15 years of presence in Romania, BRD Groupe Société Générale has become a leader in the main areas of activity. Therefore, BRD has brought to the Romanian market the most innovative technologies and has developed systems designed to provide clients with customized products, comfort and safety.
From the beginning, BRD Groupe Société Générale has stood out through innovation, marking many firsts:
BRD Groupe Société Générale is also a social actor, involved in the community through projects and programs focused on social, cultural and sporting activities. In 2008, BRD launched the most important salary donation program. Through a donation of over 600,000 euro, this program has contributed to the development of integration and education projects made available to over 4,000 children and young people of Romania. The total contribution of BRD in social responsibility programs over the last 15 years exceeds EUR 15 million.
"BRD Groupe Société Générale is celebrating this year a beautiful age that brings with it many successful stories. During the 15 years that passed from the privatization, we have gained a leading position on the market and we have offered to our customers the best and most innovative banking solutions. We have established our affiliation to the Romanian society by getting involved in its sustainable development in areas we consider most important for progress: education, integration, culture and sport", said Philippe Lhotte, BRD Chairman and CEO.
BRD Groupe Société Générale strategy is based upon the success of its customers’ teams, be they their families or companies. Thereby, BRD abides by the values representing the idea of ​​team: responsibility, confidence, offering flexible and innovative products and services, and also with the promise that it is a company governed by ethical principles and transparency.
BRD-Groupe Société Générale is the second bank in Romania in terms of assets and the no. 1 bank in the Romanian syndicated loans market. BRD - Groupe Société Générale has 2.3 million customers and operates a network of approximately 880 branches. With over 2.3 million valid cards and a network acceptance over 21,600 POS, and 1,500 ATMs, BRD is no. 1 on the Romanian card market. With factoring operations of EUR 918 million in 2013, BRD is the leader of the Romanian factoring market.

BRD is part of Société Générale Group, one of the largest European financial services groups. The group has 154,000 employees in 76 countries and 32 million customers worldwide in its three key activities:

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