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BRD, The Only Romanian Bank Present In BrandFinance’s Top 500 Banking Brands, Published By The Banker Magazine

03 Feb 2014

For the third year in a row, BRD is present in the Top 500 Banking Brands worldwide, a ranking realized by Brand Finance and published by the prestigious “The Banker” magazine. This year’s study was released yesterday night in London.
The Top 500 Banking Brands regroups the most valuable 500 banking brands in the world. BRD is the only Romanian banking brand present in the top, at the 487th position (up 3 positions compared to last year’s ranking), with a brand value of USD 154 million and an A+ rating.
“Our presence in the BrandFinance Top 500 Banking Brands, for the third year in a row, is evidence that BRD has a solid, mature brand which has managed to capture the trust of our numerous stakeholders: shareholders, customers, communities, public authorities.  It is the result of a constant brand building which has been carefully conducted for years, in the framework of a long-term strategy based on our strong corporate values: professionalism, entrepreneurship, adaptation to thrive, innovation, respect and team spirit. We are particularly proud of being the only Romanian bank present in this ranking and this encourages us to follow the same track for the years to come”, said Philippe Lhotte, BRD Groupe Société Générale Chairman and CEO.
Brand Finance is the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy, with offices in over 15 countries. The methodology Brand Finance uses includes the determination of a bank’s business value and then calculates the value of the brand as a percentage of it. Brand value is calculated by determining the royalties a company would have to pay for the use of its brand if it did not own it (known as the ‘royalty relief’ method). As well as a brand value, each of the 500 brands in the table is accorded a brand rating; a benchmark of the strength, risk and potential of a brand relative to its competitors, similar to a credit rating.
The study has been published annually in the February edition of the Financial Times’ ‘The Banker’ magazine since 2006.
BRD-Groupe Société Générale is the second bank in Romania considering the total assets’ volume and the first one in terms of major corporate clients and syndicated facilities at mid 2013. BRD - Groupe Société Générale has 2.3 million customers and operates a network of approximately 900 units. With over 2.3 million valid cards and a network acceptance over 21,600 POS, and 1,500 ATMs, BRD is no. 1 on the Romanian card market. With factoring operations exceeding EUR 1 billion in 2012, BRD is the leader of the factoring market.

BRD is part of the Société Générale Group, one of the largest European financial services groups. The group has 154,000 employees in 76 countries and 32 million customers worldwide in its three key activities:
·       Retail banking in France
·       International retail banking, financial services and insurance
·       Corporate & Investment banking, private banking, asset management and investor services

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