Manifesto BRD
We grow, plan and finance projects, companies and businesses for today’s and tomorrow’s generations. For a brave world, that places at its core the care for the planet, but also for the people. A world that promotes new people and new ideas, in culture, education, sports and society. A diverse world, which respects all voices and types of democratic expression. A world where you never stop learning and initiative, competition and performance are important. A world that leaves no child or young person behind. A world in which science and technology are neither miracles nor fatalities, but fields in which we invest consciously because we know that thanks to them we have reached the highest standard of living ever known.
We do not believe in hazard. We are all part of the decisions about the way our society is changing. Moreover, for these decisions to be right, it is essential to be informed, regardless of age or the field we have dedicated ourselves. We do not have all the answers and we surely make mistakes, we hesitate and sometimes take a step back. Nevertheless, it is important that we continue having a conversation about how society is evolving today. A conversation in which we all participate and turn into action.
The development of a society is not exclusively tied to economic aspects, to incomes and calculations. It must be judged by the impact it has on people, their choices, possibilities and especially their freedoms. On our capacity to create all kinds of resources for tomorrow’s generations, from nature to culture.
We make a pledge, with passion and responsibility, to contribute to building this new world, and we can do it by bringing together people, ideas and resources. We can only do it together with you: partner, client, professor, young artist. With you, robotician or tech entrepreneur, with you, activist for diversity, environment volunteer. Because you build the future, through your gestures, and most of all, through your decisions. And we are here to support you.
Because you are the future!
and people
Our domain is closely tied to financial resources, and it is our duty to be transparent with everything we finance, how we do it and what the impact of those choices on society is.
We see this new world as a huge opportunity to change the way we imagine consumer products, to adapt our business models and to accompany our clients in the transition to a more sustainable economy, fair for the people, resources and planet.