Tutoriale video Internet Banking EN Internet Banking video tutorial


We offer digital solutions for your banking activity, regardless of where you operate.

Your bank keep up with you!

BRD@ffice Mobile


Remote management of the bank accounts by legal entities / authorized individuals. The authentification is made possible with the physical Token or through M-Token, a software token that can be installed on mobile/tablet from App Store and Google Play.

BRD@ffice Mobile

A mobile version for making all the essetial current operations anywhere in the world in a secure enviroment, with easy access through a digital authentification ( fingerprint, facial recognition, PIN code) using M-Token.

For details you can access the dedicated BRD@ffice page.

Login to BRD@ffice account


It is an online application, through a secured access via an internet browser, of BRD TRADE FINANCE related products and active cooperation with the bank’s specialists.

The application enables the LG/LC’s management, following in real time status of the instructions sent to the bank. Login information is unique and confidential for each user but the administrator has the possibility to enroll more users directly from the application options.

For more details visit the allNET page.

Login to allNET account


An internet web application that offers to the customer direct access to its factoring account without any instalation or additional licences.

The aplication allows electronic upload of the invoices including interfacing with the customer’s accounting system, view the assigned limits, the status of the assigned invoices and also the payments and collected receivables registered.

For more details visit the MyFactoring page.

Login to MyFactoring account