Insurance attached to cards

Insurance attached to cards

Insurance attached to cards

Free of charge

travel insurance attached to embossed cards


against fraudulent transactions

Extended coverage

national and international

What additional insurance can I attach to business cards?

The Confort Business Standard insurance, provided by BRD Asigurări Generale- Sogessur SA Paris –Bucharest Branch, covering the following risks:

- Fraudulent transactions that could be made by card, in case of loss or theft of the card with no expenses for replacement of the card;
- The amounts withdrawn from the ATM or bank counters, in case of card holder car accident, robbery, loss of knowledge, vertigo or read;
- Expenses for issuing new documents (identity card, driving license, passport, the identity card of the company car or of the car used for professional purposes, the company stamp) lost or stolen;
- Expenses for making new keys (from the locations or the vehicles used for professional purposes) lost or stolen;
- Mobile electronic equipment protection (mobile phone, laptop, tablet), in case of theft or abusive use valid only for the Confort Business Mobile Insurance.

Frequent questions

In order to be granted the travel insurance, must I pay the trip using the card?

You are granted the travel insurance by means of the voucher provided by the bank, whether you paid the trip using the card or not, throughout the card validity period.

How is Confort Business insurance renewed?

Confort Business insurance is automatically renewed annually, on the anniversary date, without having to go to the bank to pay the insurance premium.