GMS previous calling 14.03.2017

The calling
Model of Special Attorney for individuals 
Model of Special Attorney for legal entities
Form of Vote by Correspondence for individuals
Form of Vote by Correspondence for legal entities
1.    Electing the Secretary of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting    
2.    Approval of the individual and consolidated annual financial statements as at  December 31, 2016    
•    The individual and consolidated annual financial statements, prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, for the financial year ended as at December 31, 2016,     
•    The Annual Board of Directors’ Report at individual and consolidated level     
•    The Financial Auditor's Opinion on the individual and consolidated annual financial statements
3.    The Directors’ discharge for the fiscal year 2016    
4.    Approval of the profit distribution and setting of the dividend for 2016 (the gross dividend proposed is of 0.73 lei / share). The dividends will be paid within on May 30, 2017 and the deferred payment date will be November 30,2017;    
5.    Approval of the income and expenditure budget for 2017 and of the Business Plan for the fiscal year 2017    
6.    Approval of the remuneration due to the non-executive directors for the fiscal year 2017, as well as of the general limits for the directors’ additional remunerations and officers’ remunerations;    
7.    Renewal Mr. Jean-Luc André Joseph PARER mandate as director, for a 4-years period, starting with October 18, 2017    
•    CV-of Mr. Jean-Luc André Joseph PARER    
8.    Electing Mr. Benoît OTTENWAELTER as director for a 4-years period     
•    CV-of Mr. Benoît OTTENWAELTER    
9.    Appointment of Ernst & Young Assurance Services SRL as financial auditor of the Bank for the financial year 2017.     
10.    Approval of the date of May 8, 2017 as ex date as per art. 2 and art. 5 point 11 of Regulation no. 6/2009 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders within the general meetings of companies;     
11.    Approval of the date of May 9, 2017 as registration date, in order to identify the shareholders that will receive dividends or other rights and who will be affected by the decisions of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders, as per art. 238 of Law no. 297/2004 regarding the capital market.    
1.    Electing the Secretary of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting    
2.    Approval of the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of BRD-Groupe Société Générale     
3.    Approval of the date of May 08, 2017 as ex date as per art. 2 and art. 5 point 11 of Regulation no. 6/2009 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders within the general meetings of companies;    
4.    Approval of the date of May 9, 2017 as registration date, in order to identify the shareholders who are affected by the decisions of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, as per art. 238 of Law no. 297/2004 regarding the capital market.